Speech & Debate
Discover Talent Education proudly partnered with ModernBrain Speech & Debate School to offer the best Speech and Debate classes in Bay Area. Come meet us to learn about our program, talk to the coaches, and have your children learn some lifelong important communication skills.
What Classes We Offer
- Foundational courses: Speech & Debate Comprehensive
- Speech Specialty courses: Interp and Improv, Congress and Extemp,
- Debate Specialty courses: Public Forum, Lincoln Douglas, Parliament, Policy
- Mock Trial and Model United Nations courses
- Enrichment courses: Creative Writing, Screen Writing, Philosophy and Dungeons and Dragons, Billionaire’s club, Economics, Leadership and Entrepreneurship, AP Economic Intensive.
- National Teams:
- Elementary Nationals Team
- Congress Nationals Team
- Speech Nationals Team
- Policy Debate Nationals Team
- Lincoln-Douglas Nationals Team
- Public Forum Nationals Team
- Mock Trial Nationals Team
We Bring Out the Best in Others!
We’re proud of the opportunities we provide students to show commitment, develop resilience, and become part of a larger community through public performances. Not all of our families participate in extracurricular competitions. Some are just here to build their confidence, credibility, and creativity as writers and speakers. We understand that gold medals, which are earned in always subjective and often unpredictable competitions, should not come before growth. That’s why we celebrate the efforts of all students who overcome their fears and share their messages.