🏆🏆🏆【加入全国冠军Team】我们获奖无数的Policy Debate competition team一年一度的招生开始啦! 感兴趣参加我们下一年Policy 或者Lincoln Douglas debate的学生们现在可以联系我们报名/预约Interview啦。
Policy和Lincoln Douglas是非常锻炼学生critical thinking,research skill的。适合喜欢research,喜欢钻研,非常认真努力,非常dedicate的同学。
MSTOC Policy Result:
Policy: Mason Kim & Aiden Kwon are the TOC CHAMPIONS! 全国冠军!
Audrey Huang & Iva Liu and Zoe Tran & Chenyue Zhou made the top 16.
Aiden Kwon was 4th speaker, Iva Liu was 9th, Audrey was 10th, Mason was 14th, and Russell was 17th.